Coworking spaces are indeed tax deductible.

This is because a home office is tax deductible, so if you freelance or run your own business, you can deduct a percentage of your rent or mortgage when working in a home office that’s strictly for business. A coworking space is treated the same way by the IRS, but it is actually a lot easier to deduct. You can deduct 100% of your paid rent on a coworking space, as well as fees related to printing, renting a conference room, etc. It’s best to take tax advice with a grain of salt, however. Not every work setup is deductible. A coworking space only works for freelancers, business owners, or other people working on a contract job. For instance, if you fill out a W-2 and work from home or a coworking space, you cannot deduct your office space. It’s always important to consult an accountant when you’re first doing taxes and figuring out your coworking space tax deduction. 

We will be working towards also being a tax break for: Dependent Care Account (FSA) and the Child or Dependent Care Tax Credit.